Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Great Big Black Bear!

A friend of the Lairds has been sending the Laird children a giant stuffed animal when they are born since Camden came around. Kendi got a big cute dog that she still wrestles around with. We got Hallies monstosity the other day. They just keep getting bigger. I don't know where she finds these things! The shipping alone was a fortune. Thanks Holly!

Looks like she just saw a bear!

Love this one, just lazin' on the bear.
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's the most Wonderful time of the Year!

We got to spend Christmas this year at Grandma and Grandpa Shoff's. We had a Great time and Kendi is still asking if Santa is coming every night before bed.

Kendi's new house

We took out for a quick sledding adventure!

Hallie thinks sledding is boring.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Big Eyed Beauty

Hallie is 5 1/2 months old now, but her eyes are still as big as ever. Both her and Kendi just have these beautiful eyes!

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just pics!

Pat thinks his no shave November beard is "awesome". I on the other hand love my husband dearly, but thinks he looks like a mountain man!

Just some pretty flowers. Kristin got this orchid for me for my birthday and I finally got around to taking some pictures of it.

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Christmas Tree Decorating!

We took Kendi to cut down a Christmas tree this year and left Hallie at home with G&G Laird. The light was fading so I said," we'd better hurry and go get our tree" Kendi said "yah, before someone steals it". As if there weren't enough trees in the forest. Next, there were some deer tracks in the snow. After I dragged our tree back to the truck Kendi was adamant that we must get out of here before the reindeer came back. Too cute! She was seriously worried about the deer coming back!

Hallie really enjoyed unwrapping ornaments!

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