Monday, February 21, 2011

Sick of Winter....literally!

Well, turns out all of us in the Laird household are sick. Pat and I not so bad. Kendi had a cold with this weird eye goop thing, and poor Hallie has a bad cold and ear infection. To top it all off, we woke up after barely sleeping to a house that was a whopping 53 degrees. I thought if felt unusually cold in the middle of the night... anyway, I think things are on the mend around here and I must admit, I never get to snuggle with Hallie at it was quite nice.

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I have this great client who has, for years, been talking about getting me and Kendi out to see his cows. This year, we finally made it. The whole family ventured out on a cold, snowy day to see all that raising Black Angus cattle has to offer. We had a great time and learned a lot.
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