Monday, March 14, 2011

Packin' up!

Hallie discovering water.
Hallie took her first steps in the walker that we stole from Grandma and Grandpa Laird. She cruises in it now until she runs into something and then she cries until someone gets her unstuck and off she goes again. It is pretty cute to see how proud of herself she gets.

We have officially started packing. We can only hope nothing falls through with our new home now because we have half of our house packed up on pallets.

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Spring is temporarily in the air!

Sunday was the best day of the year so far. It was warm and sunny, we saw our first robin, and we all spent the day together outside. This is Kendi yelling at me not to take her picture.

Sidewalk chalk is still one of our favorite thing to do anytime there isn't snow on them.

Hallie went for her first wagon ride, and was giggling the whole way.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kendi finally mustered up the courage to get into the bath with Hallie.

Kendi actually wanted me to take a picture with her sister...I'll try to remember these days when they start pulling each others hair and hitting and scratching and.......

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