Friday, May 6, 2011

Hallie the Terror!

Here is Hallie, she is into everything. The other day, she crawled into my room and got into the easter eggs. She got one open and even found a sucker inside that she got open. Here is a series of pics. I took as I was asking her what she was doing.

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Pat took Kendi to the annual Journey egg hunt up at MSU on Saturday. Kendi didn't get any eggs of her own, but someone was nice enough to give her a couple.

Hallie really warmed up to Great Grandpa Laferriere

Kendi examining her loot with Grandpa.
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Poor Bridger!

Kendi is constantly bugging Bridger and he takes it like a trooper. She is always "walking" him around the house on this leash, and putting necklaces on him. This particular day, Bridger was sick (according to Kendi) so she got out all the dish towels and covered him up. Notice he even got a pillow!

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