Friday, June 24, 2011

Kendi's friend Zoey
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Splash Park

We had our inaugural splash park trip earlier this week. Everyone had a blast, and Kendi wants to meet her friends there everyday now. Even Hallie enjoyed the water! I have a feeling we may be frequenting this Belgrade gem a lot this summer.

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Hallie enjoys making utter chaos out of just about anything. I think she may be worse than her sister ever was ( or maybe I blocked it out). Here is what happens on a nightly basis while an attempt is made at making dinner.
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We may have a Tree Hugger!

I have a feeling Hallie is going to be just like her mama. She will love everything about the ground and everything that grows in it. She loves to be in the dirt and just sit there feeling it, crumbling it, and occasionally tasting it.

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Critter Chaos!

Kendi loves her Calico Critters, we probably spend an average of at LEAST two hours playing daily with an occasional week long Hyades (for sanity sake). Hallie has no taken up to the Critters too. "Here comes Hallie the Horrible" Kendi will say as Hallie completely destroys the Critters while they are eating, bathing, attending a horse race, movie, or whatever else Kendi's quite large imagination has dreamed up that day. These cute little creatures have brought us many hours of amusement, and I can only hope that there will be many more to come.

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Monday, June 13, 2011

kendi enjoys feeding Hallie. It is very messy, but very cute!

Dishwasher diven

Hallie learned that the dishwasher is good for more than just washing dishes. She loves climbing in it...really loves it.
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The girls enjoying some mashers on the beaters.

Hallie recently discovered she could crawl under her crib
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Friday, June 10, 2011

That's not chocolate!

Well not that Spring has supposedly arrived, we have been out and about every chance possible. Hallie seems to enjoy the dirt as much as Kendi and I. She had her first sample the other day.

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Finally got my garden!

I am a little behind on posts. A couple of weeks ago, the weather momutarily broke for tilling up my new garden. The wind was blowing about 100 mph, but we managed to get it mostly the trick is finishing it.

a little bit of the sod from the garden area

The "big brown patch of dirt" that my neighbor " has to look at everyday". Who knew anyone would be so upset about a garden.
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special olympics

Every year for the past three years J & V have volunteered for the special Olympics. It won't be back in Bozeman now for another ten years. I think everyone is quite relieved.
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