Monday, July 11, 2011

The Picnic

After the parade every year, the Ennis community hosts a barbeque. This will be our 2nd year in a row, and it is quite fun. Hallie LOVES watermelon, especially when she can eat it off the rind. The shirt never recovered!

Love this pic of Kendi and her Gramps!

Hallie managed to get watermelon on everything including me.
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The Parade in Ennis, 4th of July

We could not get a family picture to save our lives!
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Kendi reels one in!

Looks like Kendi is going to be the fisher of the family. She caught her first fish over the fourth. It was about a 10" white fish she caught and released.

Reeling in the big catch!

The prize

Looking like a pro!
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Fourth of July

Only in Montana would you have to stop on the highway for a herd of about 30 horses to cross!

The lake near Grandpa and Grandma Lairds Folley

Hallie was not afraid of the water at all. She crawled right in, Slime and all!
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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Definately more into the cupcake the second time!

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Hallie turns ONE!

Hallie turned one on June 30th, hard to believe a year has already gone by. She is a great little girl who is very inquisitive. Love my little lady!

Definately more into the ice cream than the cake. Now I have three to contend with for the ice cream!

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Hallie loves the giraffe. She can't reach the pedals, but sits in the middle and pushes the buttons.

Symphony in the park with Grandpa Shoff!

One of Kendi's favorite things to do at Grandma and Grandpa Shoff's house if makeup. She typically ends up looking like the Jokers daughter, but with a little (or lot) of "blending" from Grandma she is a beauty.

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