Saturday, August 20, 2011

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Love this photo. I was trying to accomplish the impossible and get a picture of the two girls together. This is what I caught.

Kendi Lee is getting so BIG!

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These are a few of my favorite things!

Here are a few of Hallie's favorite things right now (not including her Grandparents). She also love her shoes, dogs, and least bothering her sister.

Grandma Laferriere made this Raggety Ann, and it is near and dear to my heart. Both girls love playing with her, and occationally I let them, it is in Kendis words, "Mama's special doll". This is the first time Ms. Anna has been outside in probably 15 years or more, she survived it without a spot!

Hallie really enjoys ripping up my growing flowers!

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Friday, August 19, 2011

I love flowers from the garden in a vase. Kendi was not sure why we would grow flowers, cut them, and bring them inside. I think by the time these ones died, she got it. She would ask to smell them almost everyday, and when they died she got all sad and asked why HER flowers died, then wanted to go cut some more.

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reunion cocktail dinner

let me explain the blank sign. We had the option to hold a sign that said something about our class. Pat decided it would be better just to hold a blank sign.

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It's Been How Many Years???

Well, I hate to admit that it has been 10 years since I graduated from high school. The reunion was fun, and it was great to catch up with friends, and fellow classmates. Golfing was great, and I am happy to report that Pat and I were not the worst team!

Don't my children look happy?

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mr. Potato heads

Hallie is obsessed with wearing the Mr. Potato head glasses.

Of coarse Kendi had to try them on too!

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Grandpa and Kendi on her first Ferris Wheel ride.

Kendi and Bridger enjoying our stick burning

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Summer Fun!

Yes, your eyes are not decieving you. This is my brother on a tube. The only thing better was my mom on a tube, unfortunately I didn't catch that one on film.

At silverwood

Melissa and her kids at Silverwood

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Tour De Laird

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