Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Starting Point...

I know I posted the greenhouse saga backwards, but here is where we started. The big overgrown bush in now the location of the greenhouse.
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Finally finished!

I never caught any photos of the six guys that came to help slide the greenhouse off the trailer on the site, or of the newly finished fence that we had to take apart to get the trailer through (barely), but here is the final product.

I decided to tile the floor. I thought it would fancy it up a bit and be a little nicer to keep clean. I learned a few things along the way and broke a couple tiles, but rather inexpensive way to gain a lot of knowledge.

Here is my lovely finished greenhouse, already crammed full. It will be more crammed if all goes as planned come this spring. (Mom, I did save a spot for your vine!) Complete with a chair to relax in and a sandbox for the kids!

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and away....

safely landed on the trailer.
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The greenhouse goes airborne

Getting the greenhouse moved was really quite fun. Look at those front tires...yep, they are way off the ground!

Praying the thing doesn't collapse over our house....

or crush the fence...

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The Greater Greenhouse!

It has been awhile since I have posted anything on the blog. Aside from our usual bussiness, a greater project has consumed my every spare second. Moving the greenhouse to its new home at our new home proved to be more of an undertaking than one could imagine...mostly because I made it that way. I am sure Pat has a few choice words on the matter, and for the most part helped out with a smile on his face, ok maybe a half smile. Learning from my past experience with the old greenhouse site, I decided my greenhouse needed to be improved slighly. I decided that I needed to hand dig a 48" deep hole that was 6 X 10 feet and insulate the ground around my greenhouse to keep it from being a "heat sink". I hope that with it's new sunnier location, an insulated foundation, and every last nook and cranny filled with silicone, I won't have to use my heater much this year. We have yet to get Electricity to the greenhouse.
hole finished, putting up the insulation curtain

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