Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Makings of a Leprechaun Trap!

Kendi came up with this elaborate plan one day at school all about catching leprechauns. Pat willing took on the challenge of making a trap to catch one.

The finished product!

Well, we didn't catch one this year, he must have narrowly escaped because he left green footprints all over, ate some of the potato, and left some lucky charms!
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Here is documentation that I am abused by my children... I still have a black eye a week later. I think it got worse after this picture was taken too! Thanks Hallie for my first black eye as an adult!
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Pictures by Kendi..

Kendi has been all over the place with my little point and shoot camera. Here are a few, and I mean a few, of the hundreds she has taken.
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more pictures by Kendi...

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Even More pics by Kendi

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Hairstyles by Kendi...

He looks happy about this one!

 a little embarrased about this one..
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Hallie enjoys sitting at the table reading magazines or the newspaper. I think she will be great to sit and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate with on a Sunday morning, relax and read the paper in a couple of years!
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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Just to make your day!

Ran across this video looking for something else, and it made me laugh. Just thought you all might like the laugh too!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

what to do with a windy day....

fly a kite of coarse!

Kendi and Hallie both enjoyed flying their kites. we had much success and only one casualty!
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I need to think about this.......

hummmm........It might have been me, Let me think about it.....
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still lovin' lamb

how is it that whenever the girls are sitting nicely next to each and i reach for my camera, somehow, the niceness has vanished!
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