Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sweet pea 2012

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Since I am currently limped, Pat was a trooper and took

Kendi has an interesting dance style!

The oasis

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Grandma took a spill in the wave pool with hallie...sorry mom had to post it, it was too funny not to!

A day at the lake

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We took up the folly the end of July and took out the old "tick tock" we all had a great time.

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Baby donkey at the fair. We all grew quit fond of the ill donkey, I think we should have one!

Fishing July 2012

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Fishing in Greenough!

Hallie had her first catch! It was a whopper!

Geocaching was a hit!

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Kendi enjoyed doing through the park.....

Hallie enjoyed it in a different sort of way!

Fourth of July in Red Lodge and our first camping trip in a tent was awesome! The kids are already looking forward to doing it again!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hallie turnes two

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Hallie turned two on june 30. She had a great time!


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Hallie loves her goggles!

We had lots of baby birds born in our yard this year!

Lambie is still Kendis best friend!

Playing in the pond!

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Kendi got a new bike!

Hallie got a big girl bed!