Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fraidy Cat?....

We had one crack of thunder the other night, and this is where we found Bridger!

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Hunkering down under the bed!

First Bobcat game 2012

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The bobcats had their first home football game of the season, and it was a night game, and Grandma and Grandpa Shoff got to swing by for the game!

Our annual family picture!

The moon was cool rising above the score board....notice the score? The cats killed it!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

August 2012

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Montana Fair

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We all had the rare opportunity to be together for a day, so what better to do than hit up the fair!

We warmed up on the carousel.

Loved racing on the slide, wish we would have hit that up a few more times!

Kendi must have thought that ride looked a little horrifying!

We all three squished in the scrambler.

At the end of the night we got ice cream!

Thanks for coming along Donna!