Sunday, September 15, 2013

First Day of school!

Hallie started preschool all by herself this year! She loves it, and when she grows up, wants to be a mouse!

My Kendi girl started kindergarten this year. Where did the time go? She is going to be a tap dancer when she grows up!

Monday, September 9, 2013

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We love watermelon at our house....Hallie has more than love for watermelon. I don't even know how to explain how much she like watermelon!


Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Kendi and Hallie were anxiously awaiting lambs and Lilly's wash cycle to finish!

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The kids did Sweet Pea run again this year, and I was so happy to join them. We all had a really good time and we all finished the race.

Monday, July 29, 2013

This picture completely captures Hallie's spirit, spunk, and slightly devilish side!

Monday, July 22, 2013

clematis cutie

Every year Vonda has her grandchildren's picture taken if front of the same thing. Kendi's thing is a clematis. This year the kids were WIRED! It was so much fun to just snap pictures of sisters making each other laugh and have fun. Some of these pictures are absolutely priceless to me!

fly fishing

Pat has had the opportunity to enjoy more fly fishing than usual the past month. He has had quite a succussful run, and looks good doing it!

Fishing the Lamar River Yellowstone Park

Friday, June 14, 2013

All she Wants to Do is Dance...

Kendi and Hallie have been doing dance on Fridays during preschool and their preformance was last weekend. Wow, I had no idea what a dance recital entails these days! They had a great time and did a great job. Kendi would not perform any moves at home "because we didn't have the right music" so I had no idea what to expect from her. The teachers had questioned if Hallie was too young, so I didn't have any expectations there. Kendi is quite the dancer and was one of the better performers in her group. Hallie looked cute. She just stood there and soaked it all in with a little move thrown in here or there. It was a hit either way, both girls really had fun!

Growing Up!

Just had to snap this gem the other day. Moiya is just the cutest old lady you have ever seen! She is wherever we are just lazin' around.

Kendi and Hallie have just seemed like they are growing up so fast lately. Hallie has been telling me lately, "see Mom, I growin' up".


Memorial Weekend

Memorial weekend, we took a break from building our deck, and headed to West Yellowstone for a J & V bbq. We were slated to stay in a hotel which hadn't been done with the kids since Kendi was two and we just found out about Hallie. That night was a DISASTER, and I had not been brave enough to try it since. The bbq was a success and so was the hotel. We can now officially travel and sleep in hotels without any worry!

The "folly" (Jim and Vonda's cabin) was where we had the bbq and luckily the buffalo hadn't been hazed back into the park yet. Lucky us! There were about 40 or 50 buffalo around the house the whole evening. A few calves had been born which is my favorite thing to watch!